What Are the Top Advantages of Selling Your South Florida Home in the Winter?

Before putting a home on the market, you may ask yourself when the best time to sell your South Florida home actually is. Many sellers tend to do it during the spring or summer months when there’s higher demand and more inventory. However, most property purchases in South Florida happen in the first half of the year, starting as early as January. You might’ve heard that the spring season has the most sales, and now you’re considering postponing putting your home on the market. In reality, the success of the spring housing market is seldom due to the warmer weather. Because most South Florida deals are made in winter, many closing days occur in early spring, giving the impression that more homes are sold during those months. If you still doubt whether you should put your home on the market at the beginning of the year, here are the top 6 advantages of selling your South Florida home in during the winter.

1. Selling your South Florida home in winter can bring you a higher value

 It is a common misconception that selling a home during holidays will take longer. Spending precious moments with our loved ones evokes the nesting feeling in many homeowners. It’s the time of year when we hope and plan for our future. So, if ever was the time to search for a new house, it’s at the beginning of the year. Conveniently for the sellers, the inventory of homes on the market is much lower from November to February. Therefore, you don’t need to lower your home price to match the competitive market. Additionally, buyers tend to come out in droves in the new year, powered by their new year’s resolution of achieving homeownership! If you work on presenting your home’s best features this winter, the number of potential buyers that will contact you will surprise you.

2. Your property will be “more visible”

Fewer listings during the cooler season will give you the perfect opportunity to set a higher price for your property. Since there is less competition, your home will draw more attention. Thus, you will gain an advantage over multiple offers. However, even with the perfect opportunity for significant financial gain, you need to be realistic with the property estimate. Regardless of the need for a new home, home buyers would rather wait or temporarily rent a place than settle for an unrealistic price. Work with a trusted REALTOR® to determine the most accurate listing price for your home!

3. Winters in South Florida are warm

Depending on where you live, weather can play a significant role during a home sale. Snow and cold weather can most certainly slow down the markets. Not many people want to bother with a house hunt and move in the dead of the winter. However, winters in South Florida are mild, dry, and warm, with the ideal temperatures. Many buyers are flocking to sunny states like Florida, because who wouldn’t want to live in an all-year-long summer climate? One of the advantages of selling your South Florida home in winter is its desirability all year round, which is great for sellers. Even though Florida’s humidity can cause issues for many homes, maintenance is easy since you don’t need to winterize your house for harsh winter conditions.

4. Most job transfers happen at the beginning of the year

Early in the year is usually a popular time for companies to relocate their employees. According to experienced professionals from promoversmiami.com, many clients relocate in January and February because of job opportunities. These changes can catch anyone by surprise, resulting in urgency to look for a new house. Such homebuyers will offer more if they can move into their new home sooner rather than later. 

5. Buyers have a higher purchase intention

Many sellers who put their house on the market in the winter are looking to sell the home fast. Luckily for them, winter buyers are the same. It is a busy time of the year, and time is of the essence for many. During summer, buyers typically don’t rush when browsing dozens of potential homes. But in winter markets, the search is almost entirely done through online ads and virtual tours. Only serious buyers will bother with showings in person. While some spring and summer home-hunters are put off when a property has been on the market for more than 50 days, winter buyers find these details irrelevant. As long as your home is well prepared for a winter sale, you should not have any problem selling it fast.

6. The moving process will be more convenient

There is nothing worse than moving during hot, humid Florida summers. Relocation requires a lot of work, indoors and outdoors evenly. Whether you’re tackling curb appeal to add more value to your estate or cleaning the house after packing, you won’t have to sweat too much if doing it in Florida’s winter. In addition, since it’s off-season, booking a residential moving service will be much easier. Many companies have flexible schedules because most relocations happen in warmer months. If you already have a new home, you can turn to the professionals and organize the move. Still, if the home selling process leaves you homeless for a while, consider using storage as a temporary solution for your belongings.

Hire a Lamacchia Realty REALTOR® to Sell Your Home!

There are many advantages of selling your South Florida home in winter. However, every home-selling process requires a lot of time and effort. Just because it’s easier to sell a home in winter, it doesn’t mean it takes less work to get it ready for listing. Your priorities should be the work on curb appeal, staging, and investing in energy-efficient upgrades to attract many buyers. Therefore, when deciding on this move, hire the best real estate professionals in the business. Give me a call today for all your real estate needs!